Welsh Museums Conference 2020

June 11, 2020 |

To be held at Storiel in Bangor

Thursday March 5th 2020

Theme: Maximising Our Impact

There is no doubt that our sector and our society are facing challenging times. Museums are responding by meeting those challenges head on, with creative programming, sustainable practice and working differently to maximise their impact, and be responsible, responsive organisations.

Our theme for this year’s conference is deliberately wide. We are keen to hear of innovative practice across all areas of museum work. We want this year’s conference attendees to share and learn from each other, to help inspire new practice and build resilience.

• Utilised different models of working or governance

• Put sustainable practice into practice

• Placed community responsive programming at your core

• Used collections in new ways

• Discovered fresh, original ways to improve marketing and communication

• Found innovative income generation strands and new ways to be more cost effective